LG Electronics, Inc. 应用

LG 스마트 세탁기 4.9.10
◈ LG 스마트 세탁기 앱은?LG 스마트 세탁기 앱은 언제 어디서나 리모컨처럼 세탁기를 제어하는 [스마트 원격제어],새로운 세탁 코스를 다운 받을 수 있는 [스마트 코스다운로드],혼자서도 세탁기의 고장 및 진단이 가능한 [스마트진단],다양한 세탁정보를 확인할 수 있는 [스마트 매니저] 등의 기능을 제공합니다.안드로이드 OS를 기반으로 한 NFC 기능이 있는 스마트 폰에서[태그온 진단], [태그온 코스 다운로드], [세탁코치], [원터치 세탁] 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.*앱을 통해 제공되는 기능은 제품에 따라 사용이 제한될 수 있습니다.◈ 사용하기 전 확인해주세요!스마트 원격제어/스마트 코스 다운로드와 같은 일부 기능은 세탁기에 전용모뎀을 장착한 후 Wi-Fi를 통해 스마트 폰과연결한 후 사용이 가능합니다.- 지원 가능한 스마트폰이 아닌 경우, 앱이 정상적으로 동작하지 않을 수 있습니다.앱에 오류가 발생할 경우 스마트폰의 전원을 껐다 켜고, 오류가 반복되면, 사용 중인 앱을 삭제하고 재설치해 주세요.앱을사용함에 있어 문제가 지속될 경우 smartthinQ@lge.com으로 오류내용을 적어서 보내주세요. 확인 후 빠른 시일내에 조치하겠습니다.-자동 로그인 기능을 사용할 경우는 휴대전화 분실, 악성코드 등에 의한 해킹으로 고객님의 개인정보가 유출될 가능성이있고, 타인이 제품을 무단으로 작동시킬 risk가 있습니다이에, 분실, 해킹 등에 의해 고객님의 정보가 유출되는 것을 막기 위해서는 휴대전화에 비밀번호를 설정하고 스마트폰용 보안소프트웨어(S/W)를 설치할 것을 권장합니다.또한, 휴대전화 분실 등의 사유가 발생하면 당사 홈페이지에 접속하여 아이디와 비밀번호를 즉시 변경하셔야 추가적인 피해를예방하실 수 있습니다.- 태그온 기능 사용 시에 NFC 인식이 안 될 경우, LG 스마트 세탁기 애플리케이션의 태그온 화면 우측 상단의[?]버튼을 눌러 상세 가이드를 참조하세요.본 애플리케이션의 NFC 기능 작동은 스마트 폰의 NFC 인식 기능이 일정 수준 이상이어야 합니다.NFC 특성상 거리가 멀거나 금속재질의 스티커, 두꺼운 케이스 등이 있으면 전송이 잘 되지 않습니다.(* 태그온 시 세탁기의 버튼을 터치하지 않도록 주의하세요.)- 본 제품에 탑재된 GPL, LGPL, MPL 및 그 외 오픈소스 라이센스 하에 개발된 소스 코드를 얻으려면,http://opensource.lge.com 를 방문하십시오.소스 코드를 비롯하여 해당하는 모든 라이센스의 내용 및 저작권 표시, 보증 책임이 없다는 표시를 다운로드 할 수있습니다.본 제품을 구매하신 후 3년 내에 opensource@lge.com로 e-mail을 보내 본 제품에 탑재된 소프트웨어의오픈 소스 코드를 요청하실 경우, 매체 비용, 운반비 등 제공에 필요한 최소한의 비용을 받고 CD-ROM에 담아 제공해드립니다.◈ The LG Smart WashingMachine app?LG Smart Washing Machine app to control the washing machineanytime, anywhere remote control like the Smart RemoteControl,You can download the new course laundry Smart courseDownload]Alone faults and diagnosis of a washing machine SmartDiagnostics,Service functions, such as the Smart manager] to check the variouswashing information.In one NFC-enabled smartphone based on the Android OS[Tag on diagnosis], [tag on courses Download], [laundry coach], youcan use the [One Touch laundry] function.* Functionality available through the app can be used is limiteddepending on the product.◈ Please check before use!Smart remote control / Some features, such as smart coursedownloads are available after you connect the smartphone via Wi-Fiand a washing machine equipped with a dedicated modem.- Support available for non-smart phones, this app may not workproperly. If an error occurs, turn off the power to the app on yoursmartphone, if the error repeats, please delete and reinstall theapp you are using. To the use of the app, please write down theerror information sent by smartthinQ@lge.com If the problempersists, . It will then check measures as soon as possible.- If you use the automatic login feature is a mobile phone islost, due to hacking and malicious code are likely to be yourpersonal information is leaked, there are other risk to theoperation of the product by unauthorizedTherefore, it is recommended that lost, by hacking in order toprevent your information from being leaked to set a password onyour phone and install the security software for smartphones (S /W) that.In addition, if the reason of loss occurs, such as a mobile phone,you can prevent additional damage should change your username andpassword to connect to our website immediately.[?] When not in use NFC tag on this recognition capabilities,LG's smart washing machine tag on the top right of the screen,press the button to see a detailed application guide.NFC-operation of the application must be above a certain level ofawareness of NFC smartphones.NFC nature of distances or of metal stickers, etc. If you have athick case the transfer is not good.(* Be careful not to touch the button for the tag on when thewashing machine.)- Mounted on this product GPL, to get the LGPL, MPL and othersource code developed under the open source licenses, please visitthe http://opensource.lge.com.All licenses and copyrights of the content displayed, including thecorresponding source code, you can download an indication thatthere is no warranty liability.If you are requesting the open source code of the software loadedon after purchasing the product the send e-mail toopensource@lge.com products within three years, media costs,transportation costs, etc. being the minimum cost necessary toprovide CD- It offers put on the CD-ROM.
LG TV SmartShare-webOS 1.4.0
[Overview]※ “LG TV SmartShare-webOS” offers different service than"SmartShare" that comes pre-iinstalled on your LG Electronicssmartphone. In other words, SmartShare has been upgraded tointegrate pre-installed Gallery, Music, Video players, all with thesame functions.[Service overview]LG TV SmartShare-webOS lets you to enjoy video, music or photo onyour smartphone from your LG Smart+ TV(webOS).※ The service is available regardless of whether you have the TagOn sticker (The sticker may not be on some models depending on therelease date per country).[How to use]1. Connect your smartphone on the same Wi-Fi network as theTV.2. Select and play the file from the LG TV SmartShare-webOSapplication.3. Tab "Share" icon on the top right of image viewer or mediaplayer, then select the TV to view the file on to play it on the TVof your choice.[Caution]- Both the smartphone and TV must be on the same wirelessnetwork.- Miracast is supported by the smartphone models from LGElectronics only and is available from the LG Smart TV(webOS)application.- Supported media formats are as following:■ Image : JPEG, PNG, BMP■ Music : MP3■ Video clip- Video codec : DivX6, XViD(except 3 warp-point GMC), MPEG-4- Audio codec : MPEG-1 Layer II, MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3), AAC■ Subtitle : SMI[Supported device]- TV : LG webOS models released in 2014- Smartphone : LG models higher than G2, or Samsung models higherthan Galaxy S4[Contact us]LG Twin Towers, 20 Yeouido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
LG Smart Refrigerator 2.6.9
LG Smart Refrigerator does not supportanymore.Download Smart ThinQ App by below link.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lgeha.nuts----------------------------This application works with the LG Smart Refrigerators. (TouchScreen Model Name : LFX31995ST, Non Touch Screen Model Name:LFXS3766S, LFXC24766S)The application connected to Smart Refrigerator using Wi-Fi willprovide you convenience food management and refrigeratormanagement.This app can connect to your Smart Refrigerator and allows you toeasily manage your food items and refrigerator function.[Registration - Touch Screen Model]1. Register an ID on the SmartThinQwebsite(http://us.smartthinq.com) to use this application.2. Log in at the refrigerator display in the Settings menu usingthe ID and PW you created on the SmartThinQ website.3. After logging in on the refrigerator display, use the same IDand PW to log into the smartphone app* You can also access the ¡°Food Manager¡± and ¡°Recipes¡± featureswithout registration by logging in as Demo.[Registration - Non Touch Screen Model]1. Register an ID on the SmartThinQwebsite(http://us.smartthinq.com) to use this application.2. Log in at this application using the ID and PW you created onthe SmartThinQ website.3. After logging in on this application, select networking AP toconnect refrigerator.4. Push Smart Grid Button for 3 seconds on refrigerator.* You can also access the ¡°Food Manager¡±, ¡°Recipes¡± and "REFManager" features without registration by logging in as Demo.[Features]*Food Manager- Remotely manage the food items in your refrigerator along withtheir location and expiration date.- Search from 619 Recipes based on food items in your refrigerator,preferred cuisine, ingredient, or course of the meal.- If you have the LG Smart Range (Model Name : LRE3027ST), you cansend recipes directly from the Refrigerator(Model Name :LFX31995ST) to the Range.- Easily create, modify, and access your grocery shopping list onthe Smartphone app*Smart Access- Refrigerator Manager: Check the status of your LG Smart Refrigerator anytime, anywhere.Includes Smart Saving controls for energy efficiency.- Photo Transfer: This feature allows you to transfer photos from your Smartphoneto the LG Smart Refrigerator(Model Name : LFX31995ST).*Smart Diagnosis- This feature works with any LG Refrigerator equipped with theSmart Diagnosis system.- It allows you to troubleshoot your appliance without placing acall to the service center.- Smart Diagnosis equipped appliances can transmit a signal viaWi-Fi or audible tones to the smart phone for analysis.
LG Smart Laundry&DW 4.7.7
- LG Smart laundry & DW application allowsyou to monitor, modify and diagnose your smart appliance fromanywhere. Use the Laundry Guide to find out how to treat a widevariety of stains or checkout the laundry care icons on garments*LG Smart Laundry & DW application will only work with LGWasher and/or Dryer that has the SMARTDIAGNOSIS logo.---------------------------------------Please read carefully prior to installing the applicationIf you encounter an error while running the application, pleasepower off the phone and try running the application again. If theproblem persists, please uninstall the application, leave a commentthat includes your device model and the OS version, and emailsmartthinQ@lge.com with your bug case and we will attach it to yourbug report and investigate the issue.NOTE:LG Electronics, Inc., its subsidiaries, and successors and assigns(“LG”) will not be liable for any and all issues arising out of theconsumer’s failure to read or follow the instructions below:1. Make sure the mobile device is properly connected to a highspeed network, such as 3G or high speed wireless network.2. Make sure Push Service app is switched ON:1) Android: App. → Settings → Notification Alarm, ON3. For Android devices:1) Requires Android 2.2 (Froyo) or higher, and2) Google Android Market must be installed and the user’s Googleaccount must be enabled and synchronized4. Make sure Wi-Fi AP is properly connected to the internet.LG does not guarantee that Push Service app will operatecorrectly; Push Service app will not operate when the mobile deviceis not properly connected to its network or server or when theconnection speed is slow.To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL and other opensource licenses, that is contained in this product, please visithttp://opensource.lge.com .In addition to the source code, all referred license terms,warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available fordownload.LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROMfor a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution(such as the cost of media, shipping and handling) upon emailrequest to opensource@lge.com. This offer is valid for three (3)years from the date on which you purchased the product.
WatchBig! 1.51
Just Share via WatchBig! Enjoy videos on LG Smart TV’s large screen"WatchBig!" allows you to enjoy videos found from YouTube, TED,and Daum TV Pot on LG Smart TV’s large screen. All you need to dois touch ‘Share via’ button and select ‘WatchBig!’ You can shareyour favorite YouTube video with your family and friends by playingit on LG Smart TV.*Main Features- Playing videos found from YouTube, TED, and Daum TV Pot on LGSmart TV- Saving a playlist for future watch on LG Smart TV- Sharing the Web page you are in on LG Smart TV"WatchBig!" launches LG Smart TV app automatically. You do notneed explicitly launch the app on TV.[Requirements]1. You need 2012 model or newer LG Smart TVIf cannot operate WatchBig! with your 2012 LG Smart TV, check yourTV software version by "Settings > Support > Software Update"You need the version 04.12.21 or higher2. You need both TV app and Android App. Please download TV versionof "WatchBig!" at LG Smart World3. Android OS Version 2.3 Gingerbread or higher is required[Getting Started]1. Turn on your LG Smart TV2. Have your Android device and LG Smart TV in the samenetwork3. Press Settings (a gear icon with blue background)4. Do the simple pairing5. Exit ‘WatchBig’ then find video using your favorite videowatching app such as YouTube or TED.6. Press ‘Share Via’ then select ‘WatchBig!’7. Press ‘Play Now’ button to watch immediately on the TV.[Supported LG Smart TV Models]LM9600, LM9500, LM9400, LM8600LMG860, LM7610, LM7600, LM6710LM6700, LM6690, LM6610, LM6600LM6450, LM6400, LM6300, LMG620LM6250, LM6200, LM6100, LS5800LM5700, LS5750, LS5700 Series @TV 2012
LG 스마트 로보킹 2.0 2.2.1
‘LG 스마트 로보킹 2.0’은 LG로보킹을 가정 내에서스마트폰을 통해서 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 다양한 기능을 제공하는 어플리케이션입니다.‘LG 스마트 로보킹 2.0’을 통해 새로운 경험을 즐겨보세요.★ 지원 제품 : VR6480VMNC“외출시 아이나 반려동물이 잘 있는지 궁금하셨죠?”언제 어디서나 어플리케이션을 실행하면 집안을 살펴볼 수 있어요."명절이나 휴가철에 장기간 집을 비울 때 불안하셨죠?"홈가드를 실행하시면 지정된 장소에서 움직임이 감지될 때 연속 촬영하여 휴대폰으로 전송해 드립니다.“외출하고 돌아오면, 로보킹이 제대로 청소했는지 궁금하셨죠?”청소 다이어리 기능을 통해서 간단하게 언제, 어떻게 청소했는지 확인해보세요.“간편한 업데이트!”신규 소프트웨어가 추가되었을 때 스마트폰을 통해서 로보킹의 소프트웨어를 업데이트합니다.최신의 소프트웨어를 통해서 항상 최상의 성능을 유지하세요.[주요기능]1. 홈뷰- 스마트폰을 통한 영상서비스, 청소, 충전, 이동 명령2. 홈가드- 집안의 움직임 감지하고 스마트폰으로 푸쉬알림3. 청소 다이어리- 청소 이력 정보 제공4. 청소 예약- 청소 예약 기능5. 스마트 진단- 제품 상태를 자체 진단하여 조치 가이드 제공6. 설정- 음성 변경7. 스마트 업데이트- 제품 소프트웨어를 업데이트★ 지원 제품 : VR6370VMNC“리모컨 없이 스마트폰으로 청소!”이제 로보킹을 청소시키기 위해서 주머니 속의 스마트폰이면 충분합니다.‘LG 스마트 로보킹2.0’ 어플리케이션을 켜고 원하는 장소로 이동시키고 청소를 시켜보세요.“청소 결과를 한 눈에!”‘듀얼아이 2.0’을 청소 시켜놓고 귀가 했을 때 청소 결과가 궁금했다면,청소 다이어리 기능을 통해서 간단하게 언제, 어떻게 청소했는지 확인해보세요.“버튼 누를 필요 없이 음성으로 청소!”Q보이스 기능을 통해 간단하게 음성으로 청소를 시켜보세요. 고객님의 목소리를 알아듣고 청소를 시작합니다.“간편한 업데이트!”신규 소프트웨어가 추가되었을 때 스마트폰을 통해서 “로보킹 듀얼아이 2.0’의 소프트웨어를 업데이트합니다.최신의 소프트웨어를 통해서 항상 최상의 성능으로 유지하세요.[주요기능]1. 스마트 컨트롤- 스마트폰을 통한 청소, 충전, 이동 명령2. 청소 다이어리- 청소 이력 정보 제공3. 청소 예약- 청소 예약 기능4. 스마트 진단- 제품 상태를 자체 진단하여 조치 가이드 제공5. 설정- 음성 변경6. Q보이스- 12가지 음성 명령어 지원7. 스마트 업데이트- 제품 소프트웨어를 업데이트[유의 사항]스마트폰의 기종 및 버전에 따라 스마트 어플리케이션 기능 사용에 제약이 발생할 수 있습니다.공유기 ID에 한글이나 특수문자가 포함되어 있을 경우 제품연결 및 등록이 정상적으로 이루어지지 않습니다.스마트폰 최적 사양• 안드로이드 OS : 4.0.4 (ICS 이상)• 해상도 : 720x1280(320dpi)• Android 4.0 ICS(안드로이드 4.0 아이스크림 샌드위치) 보다 하위 버전에서는 ‘LG스마트 로보킹 2.0’앱을 사용할 수 없습니다.• 태블릿 PC 에서는 ‘LG 스마트 로보킹 2.0’ 앱을 사용할 수 없습니다.※ 보안 설정이 되지 않은 무선 공유기에 제품을 연결할 시 보안이 취약할 수 있습니다.※ 기업체 내부적으로 보안 설정이 되어 있는 경우 기업체 내에서 접속이 저해될 수 있습니다.※ 사용중인 어플리케이션(App)은 제품의 질을 더 높이기 위하여 고객에게 알리지 않고 바꿀수도 있습니다.변경된 어플리케이션(App)에 대한 매뉴얼은 LG전자 홈페이지(http://www.lge.com)에서 다운받아 볼 수있습니다.본 어플리케이션은 제품등록 과정에 따라서 제품등록을 하셔야 모든 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.- NFC 기능이 있는 스마트폰의 경우에는 Tag On(태그 온)을 통하여 좀 더 쉽게 제품등록을 할 수있습니다.- NFC 기능이 없는 스마트폰의 경우에는 ‘Wi-Fi 모델’ 버튼을 이용하여 제품 등록이 가능합니다.앱을 통해 제공되는 기능은 제품에 따라 기능이 상이할 수 있습니다.홈 가드 기능 사용시, 피촬영자의 동의없이 움직임 감지로 인해 촬영이 되는 경우가 발생할 수 있습니다.푸시 메시지 상으로 움직임 감지에 대한 정보만 제공하며, 푸시 메시지를 통해 로보킹에 접속해야만 사진 확인이가능합니다.또, 촬영된 사진은 서버에 저장되지 않고, 로보킹 제품 본체에만 저장됩니다.- 제품 본체 버튼 입력을 통해 초기화가 가능합니다.외부에서 홈 뷰 기능시 로보킹 전방에 LED 조명이 On 되어 집안 내에 있는 피촬영자도 기능 인지가가능합니다.- 본 제품에 탑재된 GPL, LGPL, MPL 및 그 외 오픈소스 라이센스 하에 개발된 소스 코드를얻으려면,http://opensource.lge.com를 방문하십시오.소스 코드를 비롯하여 해당하는 모든 라이센스의 내용 및 저작권 표시, 보증 책임이 없다는 표시를 다운로드 할 수있습니다.본 제품을 구매하신 후 3년 내에 opensource@lge.com로 e-mail을 보내 본 제품에 탑재된 소프트웨어의오픈 소스 코드를 요청하실 경우,매체 비용, 운반비 등 제공에 필요한 최소한의 비용을 받고 CD-ROM에 담아 제공해 드립니다.----'LG Smart roboking 2.0'is the LG roboking in the homeSo easy to use via a smartphone application that provides a varietyof functions.Enjoy new experiences through the 'LG Smart roboking 2.0.★ Support Products: VR6480VMNC"What did you go out when children or pets are well wonder?"If you run applications anywhere, anytime You can look at thehouse. "What did you anxious when you leave the house in the long termholidays and vacation?"If you run a home guard and continuous shooting when motion isdetected in the specified location it will be sent to your mobilephone."When you go out and back, did you wonder whether this robokingproperly cleaned?"Find out how and when you have a simple cleaning, through thecleaning diary function."Easy Update!"When the new software is added via a smartphone update the softwareof roboking.Through the latest software Always keep the best performance.[Main function]1. The Home view   - Video services, cleaning, filling, movementcommands via a smartphone2. The Home Guard   - The house of the motion detection and pushnotifications to your smartphone3. Clean Diary  - Provide cleaning history information4. Clean reservation   - Cleaning booking capability5. Smart Diagnosis   - Measures to diagnose the status of the productitself, the guide provides6. Set   - Voice changes7. Smart Update   - Update your product software★ Support Products: VR6370VMNC"Clean as a smartphone without a remote control!"Now, if the smartphone in your pocket in order to clean theroboking sufficient.Navigate to the desired place, turn on the 'LG Smart roboking 2.0applications and see if that helps the cleaning."Cleaning the results at a glance!"If you are wondering when cleaning result place to clean the ears'dual eye 2.0,Find out how and when you have a simple cleaning, through thecleaning diary function."Button is pressed, cleaned, without the need voice!"Q Please clean simply by the voice through the voice features.Start cleaning out your voice heard."Easy Update!"When the new software is added via a smartphone update the softwareof the "dual eye roboking 2.0.Through the latest software Always keep the best performance.[Main function]1. Smart Control   - Clean with a smartphone, charging, mobilecommand2. Clean Diary   - Provide cleaning history information3. Clean reservation   - Cleaning booking capability4. Smart Diagnosis   - Measures to diagnose the status of the productitself, the guide provides5. Set   - Voice changes6. Q Voice   - 12 types of voice command support7. Smart Update   - Update your product software[Notice]Depending on the model and version of your smartphone, you mayexperience functional limitations in using smartapplications.If you have a router ID Hangul or contain special charactersConnecting registration is not operating normally.Best smartphone specifications• Android OS: 4.0.4 (ICS more)• Resolution: 720x1280 (320dpi)• Android 4.0 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich Android 4.0) than the lowerversions can not use the 'LG Smart roboking 2.0 app.• The Tablet PC can not use the 'LG Smart roboking 2.0 app.※ security may be vulnerable when security settings are notconnecting the product to a wireless router.※ businesses connected internally within the enterprise if there isa security setting may be impaired.※ application you are using (App) can still change withoutnotifying the customer in order to improve further the quality ofthe product.Manual for the changed application (App) can be viewed bydownloading the LG Electronics website (http://www.lge.com).The application can use all the features required for productregistration, depending on the product registration process.- In the case of smart phones with NFC capabilities, the Tag On(Tag ON), you can more easily through the productregistration.- If you do not have NFC-enabled smartphone, you can register theproduct using a 'Wi-Fi models "button.Features available through the app can be different depending onthe product functionality.Home Guard function is used, you may experience if the shooting dueto motion detection without consent of the photographer.It provides information about the movement detected by the phasepush messages, but should check the photograph can be connected toroboking via push message.   In addition, the recorded picture is not storedon the server, the product will be stored only roboking body.- Products are available through the main button Initializeinput.LED lights on the front roboking City Home View Anywhere is On, youcan be sure blood photographer also feature in the house.- To obtain the GPL, LGPL, MPL and source code developed underother open source licenses installed in this product,Visit http://opensource.lge.com.All licenses and copyrights of the content displayed, including thecorresponding source code, you can download an indication thatthere is no warranty liability.After purchasing the product to send e-mail to opensource@lge.comwithin three years if you ask the open source code of the softwareinstalled in this product,Getting media costs, transportation costs, including the cost ofthe minimum necessary to provide offers put on the CD-ROM.----
LG TV Tag On 1.1.05
[Caution]This application is compatible only with LG Smart TVs which provideTag On stickers in 2013.First, to use this application, enable NFC and Use 'Read andWrite/P2P receive mode' on your smartphone.Simply tap the NFC-equipped smartphone against the Tag Onsticker to share content with the Smart TV.- To share content through NFC, the smartphone and Smart TV must beon the same Wi-Fi network or Miracast™/Intel’s WiDi must be On onyour Smart TV.Notes for using the Tag On sticker:- Do not attach the Tag On sticker to a metal surface to ensurethat the Tag On sticker registers properly- Do not crush or fold the Tag On sticker to ensure that the Tag Onsticker registers properly.[Main Feature]You can share content between your smartphone and smart TV throughTag On App.- If they are connected to the same network, they will use theconnected network.- If they are not connected to the same network, directly connectvia Wi-Fi Direct.- For more details on how to share content between your smartphoneand smart TV, see the Help page in the Tag On app. You can see theHelp page in the Settings menu of the Tag On app.Select the Tag On app icon on your smartphone to run it and seeHelp in the settings menu.[Web Manual]http://lghe.latisglobal.com/Smart2nd/us/enga/d2/p1/12005_5.html
LG Smart Laundry&DW Global 2.30.7
- LG Smart laundry & DW application allowsyou to monitor, modify and diagnose your smart appliance* fromanywhere. Use the Laundry Guide to find out how to treat a widevariety of stains or checkout the laundry care icons on garments*LG Smart Laundry & DW application will only work with LGWasher and/or Dryer that has the SMARTDIAGNOSIS logo.---------------------------------------Please read carefully prior to installing the applicationIf your phone is not listed above, the LG Smart Laundry & DWapplication may not run properly on your device, and may causeerrors. We recommend that you do not install the application, andcheck back at a later time to check compatibility with yourdevice.If you encounter an error while running the application, pleasepower off the phone and try running the application again. If theproblem persists, please uninstall the application, leave a commentthat includes your device model and the OS version, and emailsmartthinQ@lge.com with your bug case and we will attach it to yourbug report and investigate the issue.To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL and other opensource licenses, that is contained in this product, please visithttp://opensource.lge.com .In addition to the source code, all referred license terms,warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available fordownload.LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROMfor a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution(such as the cost of media, shipping and handling) upon emailrequest to opensource@lge.com. This offer is valid for three (3)years from the date on which you purchased the product.
LG Health Agent 1.4.05
- This application transfer the data collectedfrom 'LG Health' application of LG smartphone and LG watch to theserver.- You can restore health data from the server to your smartphoneand watch. You can use a ranking service, also.
LG홈드라이브 2.1
[사용 설명]- LG 일체형 PC 內 LG Home Drive 프로그램 활성화- LG 계정 등록 및 로그인- 외부에서 LG 홈드라이브 접속 및 사용[주요 기능]- 실시간 지상파 TV방송 시청 및 녹화- EBS 컨텐츠 육아/교양/수능 등 제공 프로그램 시청- 라디오 채널 청취 및 녹화- 사진, 음악, 동영상, 문서 등 내 PC 폴더 컨텐츠 감상- PC에서 모바일 기기로 컨텐츠 다운로드- 모바일 기기에서 PC로 컨텐츠 업로드- http://kr.lghomedrive.com 바로가기[버전 정보]- v1.0.0[지원 범위]- LG TV 일체형 PC 24V550(60.4cm), 27V750(68.5cm), 29V950(73cm)※ PC 제품 정보 : http://www.lge.co.kr/lgekr/product/list/LgekrProductListCmd.laf?catid=2200- Android Mobile OS 4.1(Jelly Bean) 이상[개발자 정보]- LG Electronics[Use it]- LG enable integrated PC 內 LG Home Drive Program- LG Account Registration and login- LG home and use an external drive connected[Main function]- Real-time terrestrial TV broadcasting and recording- EBS content childcare / Liberal / SAT offers programs such asCity Hall- Radio listening and recording channels- Photos, music, videos, documents, and watching my PC foldercontents- Download content to a mobile device from a PC- Uploading content from mobile devices to your PC- Http://kr.lghomedrive.com shortcuts[Version Info]- V1.0.0[Coverage]- LG TV integrated PC 24V550 (60.4cm), 27V750 (68.5cm), 29V950(73cm)※ PC product information: http://www.lge.co.kr/lgekr/product/list/LgekrProductListCmd.laf?catid=2200- Android Mobile OS 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher[Developer Info]- LG Electronics
LG Golf 1.1.5
LG Urbane LTE 전용 골프 어플리케이션으로SmartWatch 에서 측정한 골프장 스코어, 템포,손목속도의 측정기록을 모바일에서 Review 및저장할 수 있습니다.1. 골프 코스별 거리 스코어 저장 기능 제공- LG Urbane LTE 의 저장된 스코어를저장 및 Map 에서의 코스 순서 표기2. 템포 및 스윙 기록 저장 기능 제공- 템포 및 스윙의 기록을 저장/관리3. 나의 로그 기능 제공- 골프장 또는 주변 지역에서의 메모 및사진촬영 저장 및 지도 표기LG Urbane LTEapplications dedicated to golfGolf measured at SmartWatch score, tempo,History of the wrist velocity measurements from mobile ReviewandYou can store.1. Providing golf course by distance scores store    - Saved scores of LG Urbane LTE      Course sequence indicated inthe storage and Map2. Providing tempo and swing records storage    - Stores a record of the tempo and swing /Management3. Give me the log function    - Note the golf course or in thesurrounding area and      Photo taken on the storage andmap representation
LG Color Cloning 1.1
Color Cloning helps the user easily match thecolor quality and brightness between two monitors using aSmartphone camera.Recommended Smartphones:- LG : G2, G3- Samsung : GalaxyS5- Huawei : H60-L02- Xiaomi : MI 3W
LG 스마트 냉장고 6.2
LG 스마트 냉장고 앱은 더이상 서비스하지 않습니다.아래의 Smart ThinQ 앱으로 새로운 기능을 경험하세요.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lgeha.nutsLG 스마트 냉장고는 DIOS 스마트냉장고를 사용하는 고객님들을 위한 어플리케이션입니다.Wi-fi를 이용한 냉장고와 스마트폰을 연결하여 다양한 기능을 고객이 보다 쉽게 사용하실 수 있습니다.DIOS Smart 냉장고 사용자만을 위한 특별한 무료 어플리케이션입니다.(http://kr.smartthinq.com에서 회원 가입 및 제품 등록 후 사용 가능합니다)* 제공 되는 기능들- 식품 관리저장 식품 리스트 및 저장 위치 관리, 유통 기한 설정 가능합니다.식품 리스트 원격 확인 가능합니다.- 레시피요리 정보 제공 해 줍니다.냉장고의 재료들로 요리 할 수 있는 레시피 제공합니다.- 쇼핑리스트마트에서 손쉽게 쇼핑목록 원격 확인 가능 합니다.- 영수증 입력마트의 영수증을 인식하여 식품 정보 저장 가능 합니다.- 냉장고 관리냉장고 온도, 필터 정보 및 절전 모드 설정 가능 합니다.- 스마트 진단소리 및 Wi-fi로 냉장고의 진단 가능합니다.- Push 메시지냉장고에서 전송한 글자 메모를 Push 메세지로 받을 수 있습니다.냉장고 필터 교체 시기가 되면 자동으로 Push 메시지 받을 수 있습니다.냉장고의 특급 냉동이 설정, 완료, 취소 될 경우 Push 메시지 받을 수 있습니다.- 사진 전송스마트 냉장고 포토 앨범 컨텐츠로 사진 전송 가능 합니다.갤러리의 사진을 공유하여 냉장고로 전송 할 수 있습니다.- 스마트 보이스음성인식을 통해 냉장고의 온도, 특수 기능 들을 제어 할 수 있습니다.- NFC(R-F875SBSS)EBS 동영상 이어보기, 스마트 진단, Energy Monitoring 기능 NFC Tag On을 통해 쉽게 할 수있습니다.- 스마트 뷰(R-F875SBSS)냉장고의 장착된 카메라를 통해 냉장고 내부의 이미지를 스마트폰에서 확인 할 수 있습니다.※ 유의 사항- http://kr.smartthinq.com에서 회원 가입 및 제품 등록 후 사용 가능합니다- 안드로이드 2.3 이상에서 정상 동작합니다.- R-U913SBRD모델의 스마트 보이스 기능을 사용하기 위해서는 냉장고 SW 버젼이 2.0 이상이어야 됩니다.LG Smart Refrigerator Appis no longer service.Experience the new features of Smart ThinQ below app.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lgeha.nutsLG Smart Refrigerator is for your application to use the smart DIOSrefrigerator.Connect your smartphone with a refrigerator and Wi-fi customers avariety of functions can be used more easily.DIOS is a special free application exclusively for SmartRefrigerator users.(Available after registration in the Register and producthttp://kr.smartthinq.com)* Provides functions that- Food Management   Food storage and storage management list, you canset expiration date.   Food List can be checked remotely.- recipe   Cooking helps provide information.   It offers recipes for cooking with ingredients ofthe refrigerator.- Shopping List   You can check in easily Mart shopping listremotely.- Receipt input   Recognizing the receipt of the information FoodMart can be saved.- Refrigerator Management   The refrigerator temperature can filterinformation and settings for sleep mode.- Smart Diagnosis   Wi-fi sound and can be diagnosed in therefrigerator.- Push Message   You can receive a text memo sent from therefrigerator to the Push message.   When the refrigerator filter replacement period,you can automatically receive a Push message.   If the fridge freezer Express is set up,complete, to be clear, you can receive Push messages.- Picture Transfer   Smart refrigerators photo album can be sent aspicture content.   Share photos in the gallery can be sent to therefrigerator.- Smart Voice   The temperature of the refrigerator via voicerecognition, you can control the special functions.- NFC (R-F875SBSS)   EBS Video Resume, smart diagnostics, EnergyMonitoring feature, you can easily through the NFC Tag On.- Smart View (R-F875SBSS)   Through a camera mounted in the refrigerator, youcan check the images inside the refrigerator on a smartphone.※ Notice- Available after registering and registration inhttp://kr.smartthinq.com- The normal behavior on Android 2.3 and above.- Refrigerator will be less than the SW Version 2.0 to use a smartvoice features of the R-U913SBRD model.
LG 멤버십 1.0.53
쇼핑의 즐거움. LG 전자의 특별한 혜택을 이제 LG 멤버십에서 만나세요!LG 멤버십은 쉽게 관리하고, 편리하게 사용할 수 있는 모바일 멤버십 카드 기능과 다양한 정보 조회 기능을제공합니다.또한 가까운 매장검색을 통해 매장방문을 쉽고 편리하게 도와주며, 원하는 제품의 다양한 세일정보를 확인할 수있습니다.더불어 LG전자에서 진행하는 다양한 이벤트에 참여할 수 있도록 해주는 유용한 어플리케이션입니다.[주요기능]1) 멤버십 카드 : 제휴 멤버쉽 카드를 어플 상에서 발급/저장되며, 카드 정보의 바코드를 이용해 매장에서사용가능2) 멤버십 조회 : 고객님께서 이용하신 포인트, 캐시백, 구매이력조회, 무상AS기간을 조회가능3) 매장 검색 : 현재 내 위치에서 가까운 매장을 표시하는 가까운 매장 검색과, 지역명을 통해 전국 매장 정보검색가능4) 세일정보 : LG bestshop에서 진행중인 제품세일정보, 카드혜택정보를 확인가능5) 캠페인 : LG전자에서 진행하는 다양한 이벤트 목록,상세 보기, 이벤트 참여하기이제 편리한 LG 멤버십 서비스를 시작하세요.Shopping pleasure. Meetspecial offers LG Electronics LG membership!The membership LG mobile membership card that can be usedconveniently and easily manage a variety of features and researchcapabilities.Help through the Find a store near you visit an easy and convenientway to store a wide variety of products and you want to check thesale information.This is a useful application that allows you to participate in avariety of events in addition to proceeds from the LGElectronics.[Main Features]1) membership card the alliance membership card is issued onapplication / save using the, barcode card information, and can beused in stores2) Membership Status: guests use points, cashback, inquiry,purchase history can be viewed free of charge for a period AS3) Find a store: my current position through to a store near youFind a store near a city name to search stores nationwide4) Sale: LG bestshop, ongoing product sale, the card benefitsavailable5) proceeds from the campaign: LG Electronics to the list ofevents, details, event participationNow the LG convenient membership service.
VuTalk Uninstall 5.0.0
VuTalk will no longer be available from July1, 2014. VuTalk Uninstall must be installed in Google Play Store orUpdate Center to delete all VuTalk data from your phone completely,including files, settings, accounts, database, etc. Afterinstalling VuTalk Uninstall, VuTalk settings will be displayed inContacts but inaccessible.
LG Appliance Smart Diagnosis 1.2.1
The LG Smart Diagnosis uses the latesttechnology to instantly troubleshoot your problems and answer yourqueries swiftly and conveniently. As well as providing a diagnosisservice, it also offers tips & recommendations to maintain yourproduct.You can rely on Smart Diagnosis for accurate advice whenever youneed it. LG Smart Diagnosis not only gives you a diagnosis resultif you’re experiencing a problem, but it also contains lots ofuseful information to help you use and maintain your new andexisting LG products.- Easy and ConvenientFully functional through your smart phone; no need to explain yourproduct issues.- Fast SolutionInstant diagnosis will be sent directly to your smart phone.- Save Money and TimeUsing this advanced technology will result in you getting aninstant answer, which also means there's no need to wait on the endof the phone for a response - saving you both time and money.- Support Call CenterYou no longer need to explain complicated and equivocal issues tothe call center agent, as Smart Diagnosis will identify yourproblem※ Only LG appliances featuring the ‘Smart Diagnosis’ or ‘Tag On’logo provide the Smart Diagnosis function. Please check the logo onyour product.Keywords : lg, diagnosis, diagnostic, repair, service, smart,appliance, refrigerator, oven, washing, washer, fridge, dryer, nfc,laundry, tip, tag
LG EnerVu 1.2.1
Version : 1.2.1[Improvements]- Typo was corrected(ex. Registraction -> Registration)==================================================================Version : 1.2[Improvements]- Add Warning popup when the Installer Mode entry.- Menu title changeSystem Configuration -> Network Connection- Mac address list -> AC Module Registration- Stay the web server connection check value until app exit.- Add result popup when press the “Set” button at NetworkConnection- Add Quick Setup at Network Connection- Several features set automatically as a “Quick Setup Set”Several features are Time Sync, Ethernet Setting, NTP Setting andWeb Server Setting.==================================================================Version : 1.1LG EnerVu supports MonoX ACe installation and control featuresby connecting with LG EnerBox gateway through a smartphone ortablet[Key Features]1. LG MonoX ACe MAC address administration2. LG MonoX ACe system status monitoring3. LG MonoX ACe Grid configuration4. LG MonoX ACe System configuration5. LG EnerBox Firmware update[Note]LG EnerVu must be connected to LG EnerBox gateway via Wireless LANfor intended operation==================================================================
LG Where's Mom 1.1.8
Where’s Mom™ (* Compatible with Android phoneonly)The Where’s Mom™ by LGE is a communications and location service tohelp children and caretakers connect with, monitor and locate theirparent.(Android phone users)1. Visit Google Play store on your Android smart phone, search forWhere’s Mom™ and download the Where’s Mom™ App.2. Enter LG G350’s Phone Number and last six(6) digit of IMEINumber (Marked on the label inside of the battery)After registering such information from Child App(Android user), anacceptance Pop-up screen appear on LG G350, and the register willbe completed once G350’s user accept such request.The LG G350’s user nominates up to 2(two) users (children orguardians) who can access location information. However, LG G350’suser may withdraw the access to location information of Where’s Momfeature at any time by deleting them as users from within theApp.Menu > Where’s Mom > 1. Set Where’s Mom > off (or)2. Registered Guardians > deleteIn addition, LG G350’s user can see a list of location trackingrequest was made from the Child App onMenu>Messaging>Inbox
LG Smart Styler 1.11.9
◈ What is the LG Smart Styler App?It provides the following functions:[One Touch Styling] lets you select and then start a styling cycledepending on a situation by one stroke of tag,[Smart Download Cycle] lets you download a new cycle that youdesire, but does not belong to the product,[Smart Diagnosis] makes a self-diagnosis of a defect and thenreports its cause and then suggests a solution and[Styler Coach] helps manage the Styler effectively.You can use the [One Touch Styling], [Smart Download Cycle], [SmartDiagnosis] and [Styler Coach] functions on Android OS-based andNFC-enabled smart phones.* Functions provided by an App can be restricted in terms of usagedepending on product conditions.◈ Please check before you use!- When it comes to a non-serviceable smart phone, the App maynot work normally. If a defect occurs on the App, turn the smartphone power off and then on. If the error repeats, delete and thenreinstall the App in use. If a problem is persistent when it comesto using the App, write and then send the error onsmartthinQ@lge.com. We will check and then take necessary action assoon as possible.- The App’s NFC function operations require the function of NFCrecognition on a smart phone to have reached a certain level.The nature of NFC does not allow signals to transmit well if theyare disturbed by a long distance, metallic sticker or thickcase.(* Be careful not to touch a button on Styler during a tagon.)- If you want to acquire GPL, LGPL, MPL and source codes developedunder other open source licenses, visithttp://opensource.lge.com.You can download source codes as well as all relevant licensecontents, copyright disclaimers and no warranty disclaimers.In case you request by email on opensource@lge.com for open sourcecodes for the software installed on the product within three yearsof purchase of the product, we will provide you with a CD-ROMcontaining them for a minimum fee covering the media cost, deliverycost and other necessary costs.
LG Hybridcast 1.1.7
本アプリは、Hybridcast(ハイブリッドキャスト)サービス*1に対応したLGテレビと連携して、スマートフォンからのHybridcastサービスの利用やリモコン操作ができる専用アプリです。Hybridcastサービスに対応していないLGテレビでは、「LG TV Remote」アプリ、または「LG TVRemote-webOS」アプリを通じてスマートフォンからのリモコン操作機能をご利用いただけます。本アプリを利用するには、家庭内ネットワークを介して、LGテレビとスマートフォンをペアリングする必要があります。*1 放送と通信を連携させた新しいデータ放送サービスです。[対応機器]UB9800, UB9500, UB8500, LA9700,LA9650,LB6700, LB6500,UF9500, UF8500, UF7710, UF6900, LF6300, EG9600, EG9100, EC9310* Hybridcastサービスご利用の前に、テレビ本体のソフトウェアアップデートが必要となる場合があります。[機能]- Hybridcast対応ブラウザー- テレビ操作用コントローラー- テレビ操作用タッチパッドThis application, inconjunction with LG TV that supports Hybridcast (hybrid cast)services * 1, is a dedicated app that can Hybridcast services ofuse and remote control operation from the smartphone.The LG TV that does not correspond to Hybridcast service, offers aremote control function from the smartphone through the "LG TVRemote" app or "LG TV Remote-webOS" app.To use this app, via a home network, you need to pair the LG TV andsmartphone.* 1 The new data broadcasting service that links thecommunications and broadcasting.[Compatible devices]UB9800, UB9500, UB8500, LA9700, LA9650, LB6700, LB6500,UF9500, UF8500, UF7710, UF6900, LF6300, EG9600, EG9100, EC9310* Before Hybridcast services available, there are times when asoftware update of the TV body is required.[function]- Hybridcast enabled browser- TV operation for controller- Touch pad for television operation
LG Smart Oven 1.0.6
Features.1. Smart Diagnosis™Allows you to diagnose and troubleshoot problems with yourrange.2. EasyClean®Allows you to set EasyClean® alerts, read the instructionguide,and simulate and compare energy consumption when using EasyClean®versus self-clean cycles.3. Cook Mode SettingAllows you to set repeatedly and conveniently the cook mode,temperature, and cook time of your favorite dishes.Notice.1. This application will operate properly in the Android 4.0 IceCream Sandwich or later.2. To use the NFC feature,you must have smart phones with NFC capabilities and Tag on themark attached to the oven.3. To use NFC functionality provided by the application correctly,you must activate the NFC functionality of a smartphone. (Tags/connecting devices : On)Support Product.LDE4415ST(US) / LDE4413ST(US)LDG4315ST(US) / LDG4313ST(US)LRG4115ST(US) / LRG4113ST(US)LSSE3026ST(US)LSSG3016ST(US)LSE5615ST(CA) / LSE5613ST(CA) / LSE4613STLSG5513ST(CA) / LSG4513ST(US)LSWD3034ST
LG Smart Oven Global 1.0.13
Features.1. Smart Diagnosis™Allows you to diagnose and troubleshoot problems with yourrange.2. EasyClean®Allows you to set EasyClean® alerts, read the instructionguide,and simulate and compare energy consumption when using EasyClean®versus self-clean cycles.3. Cook Mode SettingAllows you to set repeatedly and conveniently the cook mode,temperature, and cook time of your favorite dishes.Notice.1. This application will operate properly in the Android 4.0 IceCream Sandwich or later.2. To use the NFC feature,you must have smart phones with NFC capabilities and Tag on themark attached to the oven.3. To use NFC functionality provided by the application correctly,you must activate the NFC functionality of a smartphone. (Tags/connecting devices : On)Support Product.2NE4 BEST : LB645E479T1 / LB645479T12NE4 BETTER : LB645E059T1 / LB645059T1 / LB645059T2
LifeGram V.1.5.7
** Measure your day with Calories. Track allyour movement, Shape your body, Share with friends! ** LifeGram isa Lifestyle Program. It brings new light into the side of your lifewhich you previously hadn’t been aware of. With LifeGram you cantrack your daily walk, exercises runs, the calories you burn allday long.[ Activity Diary ]- Activity: Check daily and monthly calorie-burnings. Graphs helpyou visually understand your movement.- Intensity: Distinguish between the Daily Walking and Running.[ Body Analysis ]- Receive a personalized calorie Goal according to your own heightand weight- Increase or decrease your goal by adjusting the IPAQquestionnaire[ Message ]- Receive feedback and motivational messages from professionals tohelp you achieve your goal[ Other Features ]- Ranking: Compare with other users across the world- Challenge: Compete with friends in challenges you make- Community: Share tips, success stories with others- Member: Change/update profile- Setting: Register LifeGram to your phone, set automaticsync-[ How to Sync with Phone using Bluetooth]1. Download the PC Sync Program from www.lglifegram.co.kr2. Run the program and Log in the using the email and password youset up on homepage3. Download the application and log in using the same ID4. Go to Quick Menu > Setting > App Setting5. Press the button on device for 8 seconds. Device will display[Bluetooth Sync] (note: Press for more than 8 seconds and devicewill display Bluetooth address)6. Press [Search] on the LifeGram App Setting page (from #4). Hereit will display the Bluetooth enabled devices for link. FindLifeGram device and Click to sync with your phone.7. Type in 0000 for password. Press Enter8. Once completed, you will see [Device Registration Completed]message
LG A/C Smart Diagnosis 1.0.0
LG A/C Smart Diagnosis은 스마트폰을 사용하시는 LG 에어컨고객님께 제공해드리는 스마트 어플리케이션입니다.LG A/C Smart Diagnosis을 이용해 LG만의 기능을 경험해 보세요.[주요기능]1. 에어컨 관리 모드2. 제품 가이드[유의사항]에어컨이 진단 기능을 지원하는 모델에 한하여 사용 할 수 있습니다.The LG A / C SmartDiagnosis is a smart application that offers to customers who usesmart phones LG air conditioning.Using the LG A / C Smart Diagnosis Experience the unique featuresLG.[main function]1. The air conditioning management mode2. Product Guide[Notice]Air conditioning can be used only for the models that supportdiagnostics.
LG SoonShot
LG SoonShot!Download this app for free!You will be surprised since it captures every moment clearly andpictures package you get will be amazing!You can now record and save your fast motion easily. Share thespecial moment with your friends.You can have more fun when you play sports!To enjoy LG SoonShot, please read our user guide. Don’tskip~If you download this app, you agree with terms andconditions.Special Features:• Record the decisive moment:- It can record the decisive moment with ultra high-speed camera.(In case of LG G4, G5, G6, V10, V20 60 pictures/sec(Avg.). 1/6000or 1/4000 of shutter speed(Max.))- It can have a dramatic impact and touching moment such asathletics, car driving, etc.• Create various picture packages and view:- Touch the button of 'Create your SoonShot'- You can create video clips, memorable photos, sequential photos,etc. from an impact moment that is captured.- Now touch the 'View your SoonShot' button.- You can also view a various photo package.- You deleted your photos? Don't worry. You can create itagain.* However, if the video clip is deleted, you delete the photostogether.- You can play your video clip from 1/4~1x speed.- You can make various photo collages and GIF files.Don't be disappointed with your photos anymore and enjoy LGSoonShot.Tested devicesKitKat : LG G2, LG G3, LG G Pro2, Nexus 4Lollipop : LG G Flex2, LG G2, LG G3, LG G4, LG V10, TG&Co.Luna, LG Nexus 5Marshmallow : LG G4, LG G5, LG G3, LG V10, Samsung Galaxy S6,Samsung Galaxy S6 Series, Samsung Galaxy S7 Series, Samsung GalaxyNote5 SeriesNougat : LG G5, LG G6, LG V20And also available for more 6,465 devices.[ Mandatory Access Permission ]1.CameraTo take a movie2. MicrophoneTo take audio sound with movie3. StorageTo store the movie and extracted pictures4. NetworkTo share the movie or pictures[ Optional Access Permission ]None
LG 휘센 1.3.6
LG전자의 가전 제품들을 사용할 수 있는 LG SmartThinq가 출시되었습니다.많은 이용 부탁드립니다.The LG SmartThinq you canuse some of LG's home appliances was launched.We look forward to using.
LG Smart Lighting 1.0.8
▣ LG Smart Lighting?LG electronics Bluetooth(BLE) LED control application.Easy : Easy Installation & Easy ControlConvenient : Using smart phone AppFun : Variety control mode▣ Available Lighting :LG electronics Bluetooth(BLE) LED▣ Available Android OS :Up to Android OS version 4.3
Mobile e-Catalog 1.1
[LG전자 직원전용 사무용 애플리케이션]시간과 장소에 구애받지 않는 Mobile e-Catalog이제 e-Catalog를 스마트폰으로 편리하게 사용하세요!※LG전자 직원전용 애플리케이션으로 사용을 위해서는 직원인증이 필요합니다.
LG 휘센 Wi-Fi 업데이트 1.0
휘센 Wi-Fi 업데이트는 Wi-Fi 가 적용된 제품을 사용하시는 휘센고객님께제공해드리는 스마트 어플리케이션입니다.휘센 Wi-Fi 업데이트 기능을 사용하기 위해서는 먼저 LG휘센앱을 통해 회원가입과 에어컨 등록이 필요합니다.[주요기능]- 제품의 Wi-Fi 펌웨어 업데이트[유의사항]1. Wi-Fi 모듈이 장착된 모델에만 사용 가능합니다.- 챔피언 골드 럭셔리FZQ257LANW / FQ257LANW / FQ237LANW- 크라운 프리미엄FZQ187PASW / FQ187PASW / FQ167PASW / FQ237PASW / FQ257PASW- 크라운 스페셜FZQ187SASW / FQ187SASW / FQ167SASW / FQ237SASW- 손연재G 스타FZQ167DTCW / FQ167DTCW- 크라운2 럭셔리FQ250LC1P / FZQ250LC1P- 크라운2 프리미엄FQ250PC1WFQ230PC1W / FZQ230PC1WFQ180PC1W- 트윈스FQ180PT1M2. 챔피언 Style, 손연재 스페셜2 는 지원하지 않습니다.3. 옵티머스LTE2, 갤럭시 S3에 최적화 되어 있습니다.(최적 OS : Android 4.0.x / 4.1.x / 4.2.x, 최적 해상도 : 1280 x 720 / 1080x1920 / 768 x 1024 )4. 안드로이드 Tap/Pad는 지원하지 않습니다.5. 회원가입을 휘센앱에서 먼저 해주세요.6. 휘센앱으로 제품을 등록해주세요.7. 회원정보는 http://kr.smartthinq.com 에서 수정할 수 있습니다.---------------------------------개발자 연락처 :lge.whisen@gmail.com+8215447777Whisen a Wi-Fi updatestoWhisen smart application that offers customers who use theproductapplied is Wi-Fi.To use Wi-Fi updates Whisen feature, you need to Sign Up andairconditioning registered with the LG Whisen app.[Features]- Wi-Fi firmware updates for products[Note]1. You can use Wi-Fi module is equipped models only. - Champion Gold luxury   FZQ257LANW / FQ257LANW / FQ237LANW - Crown Premium   FZQ187PASW / FQ187PASW / FQ167PASW / FQ237PASW/FQ257PASW - Crown Special   FZQ187SASW / FQ187SASW / FQ167SASW /FQ237SASW - Hand series G-Star   FZQ167DTCW / FQ167DTCW- Luxury Crown 2   FQ250LC1P / FZQ250LC1P- Crown two premium   FQ250PC1W   FQ230PC1W / FZQ230PC1W   FQ180PC1W- Twins   FQ180PT1M2. Champion Style, Son Yeon-jae Special 2 is notsupported.3. Optimus LTE2, is optimized for the Galaxy S3.(Best OS: Android 4.0.x / 4.1.x / 4.2.x, the optimumresolution:1280 x 720/1080 x 1920/768 x 1024)Android 4. Tap / Pad is not supported.5. Please Sign in Whisen first app.6. Please register your product with Whisen app.7. Information may be modified in the http://kr.smartthinq.com.---------------------------------Developer Contact:lge.whisen@gmail.com+8215447777
LG Health
You can see your daily exercise info with tips and challenges.
LG OS 프리뷰 (KR) 2016 1.0.2
LG G5 사용자를 대상으로 안드로이드의 새로운 OS를 먼저 써볼 수 있는프리뷰프로그램을 실시합니다.LG의 OS 프리뷰 프로그램은 사용자의 자발적 참여로 진행되며, 실제 사용 환경에서의 검증을 강화하고 참여자의피드백을반영함으로써 더욱 완성도 높은 제품과 서비스를 제공하기 위한 것입니다.LG G5에서 안드로이드의 새로운 OS를 국내에서 가장 먼저 경험해보고, 직접 사용하면서 느낀 사용성과 품질에 대한의견을주실 분들은 바로 신청해주세요!Nougat OS 프리뷰 버전에서 경험할 수 있는 새로운 경험들1. 멀티 윈도우2. 향상된 알림창3. 도즈 모드로 보다 향상된 배터리4. 손쉬운 앱간 전환 및 멀티태스킹 화면5. 강화된 보안참여 방법1. 다운 받은 LG OS Preview 애플리케이션을 실행해주세요.2. 사용하고 있는 G5를 등록해주세요,3. 휴대기기와 PC를 USB 케이블로 연결해주세요.4. LG 모바일 웹사이트(www.lgmobile.co.kr)에서 Android 7.0 Nougat OS 프리뷰버전으로업데이트해주세요.버그 신고하기프리뷰 앱내 버그 신고하기를 통해 제품 개선 활동에 참여할 수 있습니다.프리뷰 버전을 체험 도중 버그를 발견하면 앱이름, 발생 경로, 증상, 빈도 등을 구체적으로작성하여신고해주세요.버그 신고시 시스템 로그 정보가 자동으로 첨부 됩니다.* 프리뷰 프로그램의 소프트웨어는 공식 소프트웨어가 아니라 개발 중인 버전인만큼 오류가 발생할 수 있으며 추후공식출시될 소프트웨어와 구동방식 등이 다를 수 있습니다.* 프리뷰 버전 설치 전에 LG Backup을 사용해 본인의 데이터를 반드시 백업해주시기 바랍니다.LG G5 targetsuserperforms a preview program that sseobol new Android OSfirst.LG OS preview of the program will be presented in a user'svoluntaryparticipation, designed to provide a more mature productsandservices by strengthening the verification of the realworld,reflecting feedback from the participants.Be the first to try a new experience of the Android OS in the LGG5at home, please give people feedback on usability and qualityfeel,while still being in use application right away!New experiences you can experience in Nougat OS preview1. Multi Window2. Enhanced notification window3. Better battery with a doze mode4. Easy switching and multitasking screen aepgan5. Enhanced securityHow to participateLG OS Preview 1. Please run the downloaded application.2. Please register in use G5,3. Please connect your mobile device with the PC with aUSBcable.4. LG Mobile website (www.lgmobile.co.kr) Please update toAndroid7.0 Nougat OS in the preview version.Report bugsPreview App via a bug report, you can participate in theproductimprovement.If you find a bug, please report during the preview experiencebycreating an app name, path generation, symptoms, frequency, etc.indetail.Bug in the system log information will be appendedautomaticallywhen you report.* Preview of the software program can cause the error as wellasthe official software version is being developed and maydifferfrom the official to be released later, includingsoftwaredriven.* Before using the LG Backup preview version installed, pleasemakesure you back up your own data.
LgeWatchface 2.0.2
LG Watchface - LgeWatchface
WorldClockWatchface 2.0.3
LG Watchface - WorldClockWatchface
FitnessWatchface 2.0.1
LG Watchface - FitnessWatchface
3DWatchfaceContents 2.0.1
LG Watchface - 3DWatchfaceContents
CalendarWatchface 2.0.1
LG Watchface - CalendarWatchface
ChargingMode 2.0.0
LG Watchface - ChargingMode
LG Smart Range LG
This application works with LG SmartRanges.(Model Name : LRE3027ST)The application connected to Smart Range using Wi-Fi willprovideyou convenience cook.(Automatic recipe setting, Monitor the range status anywhere,Easilytroubleshoot the range without making a service call,etc.)This is a special offer for LG Smart Range (Model Name :LRE3027ST)users for free.[Register]1. Register "http://us.smartthinq.com" site can then usethisapplication.2. You have to do "Log in" in Smart Range's setting with registerID/ PW to use this application.[Features]1. Find the desired menu and cook using the automaticsetting.2. Easily monitor the range status anytime, anywhere.3. Easily search, register and shop for ingredients.4. Easily troubleshoot the range without making aservicecall.5. Guides for using LG Smart Range more easilyandconveniently.(Timer, Customer support video)6. Notification alert for cook status.※ Open Source Software Notice InformationTo obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL, and otheropensource licenses, that iscontained in this product, please visithttp://opensource.lge.com.In addition to the source code, allreferred licenseterms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are availablefordownload.LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you onCD-ROMfor a charge covering the costof performing such distribution (such as the cost ofmedia,shipping, and handling) upon emailrequest to opensource@lge.com. This offer is valid for three(3)years from the date on which youpurchased the product.
LG MirrorDrive
LG MirrorDrive presents access to only the functions user mightneed in a car, like Phone, Message and music playback, and givesthem large, brightly colored buttons easy to see without having toturn attention away from the road. What's seen on the smartphonescreen is beamed to the car using MirrorLink, so the app can beinteracted with touch head unit display or steering wheel controls.LG MirrorDrive only works with following LG phones that supportMirrorLink. - G5, G6, G7, V20, V30, V35, V40, V45(United State,European Union, Republic of Korea) - No longer supported fromAndroid Q OS. ※ App permission information The followingpermissions are required for the app service. •Contacts: Accessyour contacts •Microphone: Access microphone for call •Phone: Makeand manage phone calls •SMS: send and view SMS messages •Storage:Access contacts, music file on your device •Location: Access thisdevices location
LG AC Smart Diagnosis 1.1.4
Easy to diagnose your air conditioner.
LG 휘센앱 SMART 2.0 [2012년 Wi-Fi] 1.1.0
LG 휘센앱 SMART 2.0은 스마트폰을 사용하시는 휘센 고객님께 제공해드리는스마트 어플리케이션입니다.Wi-Fi가 적용되어 기존 블루투스를 사용하던 휘센앱 1.0보다 기능이 대폭 강화되었습니다.LG 휘센앱 SMART 2.0 기능을 사용하기 위해서는 회원가입과 에어컨 설정이 필요합니다. 상세내용은 제품에포함된매뉴얼을 참조하세요.[주요기능]1. 원격리모컨2. 에너지매니저3. 필터매니저4. 자가진단5. 에어캡슐[유의사항]1. Wi-Fi 기능이 적용된 모델에만 사용 가능합니다.적용모델: F-Q235PECB, F-Q235PZCB2. 안드로이드 버전 2.1, 2.2, 2.3에서 사용하실 수 있습니다.3. 해상도는 480 X 800에 최적화되어 있습니다.옵티머스 LTE에서는 화면최적화 기능을 사용하시면 최적화 가능합니다.4. 안드로이드 Tab/pad는 지원하지 않습니다.5. 회원가입은 스마트폰에서 하세요.6. 에어컨의 '매직 LCD(윈도우)' 설정 화면으로 집에 있는 무선 공유기를 등록해주세요.Whisen LG smartphoneappyou're using SMART 2.0 Whisen your smart application that'llgiveyou a offer.Wi-Fi is applied using existing Bluetooth capabilitywassignificantly enhanced Whisen App was less than 1.0.LG Whisen App SMART 2.0 in order to use the function settingisrequired for membership and air conditioning. Details, refer tothemanual included with the product. [Feature]One. Remote RemoteTwo. Energy ManagerThree. The filter managerFour. Self-diagnosis5. Air capsules[Note]One. Wi-Fi feature is available only applied to the model.   Applicable models: F-Q235PECB, F-Q235PZCBTwo. Android versions 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 can be used.Three. Resolution is optimized for 480 X 800.   Optimus LTE optimization features you use,thescreen can be optimized.Four. Android Tab / pad is not supported.5. Join now for smart phones.6. Air's' Magic LCD (Windows) "in the wireless router setupscreenand register back home.
LG SwingShot Golf 1.2.6
LG SwingShot Golf!Download this app for free!You will be surprised since it captures every moment clearly andpictures package you get will be amazing!You can now record and save your golf swing motion easily. Sharethe special moment with your friends.You can have more fun when you play golf!To enjoy LG SwingShot Golf, please read our user guide.Don’t skip~If you download this app, you agree with terms andconditions.Special Features:• Easy recording with auto mode:- LG SwingShot Golf will record and save itself as soon as thewhite guide line on auto mode display fits with you and/or a personyou want to record.- You can change the size by using zoom in/out.- You can also use it as a typical camera with normal mode.• Record the decisive moment:- It can record the decisive moment with ultra high-speed camera.(60 pictures/sec. 1/1000 of shutter speed)- It can have a dramatic impact and touching moment such asathletics, car driving, etc.• Create various picture packages and view:- Touch the button of 'Create your SwingShot'- You can create video clips, memorable photos, sequential photos,etc. from an impact moment that is captured.- Now touch the 'View your SwingShot' button.- You can also view a various photo package.- You deleted your photos? Don't worry. You can create itagain.* However, if the video clip is deleted, you delete the photostogether.- You can play your video clip from 1/4~1x speed.Don't be disappointed with your photos anymore and enjoy LGSwingShot Golf.* This app is specialized for LG G4 and V10 smart phone, therefore,it won't work on other smart phones.
LG 휘센앱 5.0 NFC [2014년 NFC] 1.0.2
LG 휘센앱 5.0 NFC는 스마트폰을 사용하시는 휘센 고객님께 제공해드리는스마트애플리케이션입니다.LG 휘센앱 5.0 NFC 기능을 사용하기 위해서 스마트폰에 NFC 기능이 탑재되어야 합니다.자세한 사항은 휘센앱 5.0 NFC 앱을 다운로드하셔서 앱의 설정 메뉴의 "휘센앱 5.0 NFC가이드"를참고하여주십시오.[주요기능]1. 나만의 바람2. 예약3. 바람매니저4. 에어컨 운전정보5. 에너지6. 자가진단/필터관리[유의사항]1. NFC 기능이 적용된 모델에만 사용 가능합니다.14년향 이후 적용모델: F-Q167DRCW, F-Q167DSCW,F-Q187DSCW2. 최적 OS: Android 4.2.x/4.3.x (Jelly Bean)최적 해상도: 1920X1080, 1280X7203. 안드로이드 Tap/Pad 및 iPhone/iPad는 지원하지 않습니다.LG Whisen 5.0NFCsmartphone app you're using a smart Offering Whisen giveyourapplication.LG Whisen App 5.0 NFC smartphones to feature NFC functionalitymustbe mounted.For more information, download the app Whisen 5.0 NFC apps intheSettings menu of your app "Whisen App 5.0 NFC's Guide" fordetails.[Feature]1 Own Wind2 booking3 wind Manager4 air-conditioning operation information5 Energy6 self-help / filter management[Note]1. NFC function only available model is applied.    Applied after 14 nyeonhyangmodel:F-Q167DRCW, F-Q167DSCW, F-Q187DSCW2 Optimal OS: Android 4.2.x/4.3.x (Jelly Bean)    Optimal Resolution:1920X1080,1280X7203 Android Tap / Pad and iPhone / iPad do not support.
LG 스마트 냉장고(양문형)2011년 1.7
LG 스마트 냉장고는 DIOS 스마트냉장고(모델명 : R-T851TBHSL)를사용하는 고객님들을 위한 어플리케이션입니다.wifi를 이용한 냉장고와 스마트폰을 연계하여 스마트매니져, 스마트엑세스 기능을 고객이 보다 쉽게 사용하실 수 있습니다.DIOS Smart 냉장고 사용자만을 위한 특별한 무료 서비스입니다.(http://www.smartthinq.com에서 회원 가입 및 제품 등록 후 사용 가능합니다)※ 주의사항 : 이 앱은 1920x1080(FHD), 2560x1440(QHD) 해상도에 최적화 되어있습니다.[스마트매니져]- 식품관리저장 식품 리스트 및 저장 위치 관리, 유통 기한 설정식품 리스트 원격 확인- 추천레시피요리 정보 제공 (일반요리500선, LG광파오븐요리 125선)- 쇼핑리스트마트에서 손쉽게 쇼핑목록 원격 확인 가능[스마트엑세스]원격으로 냉장고 설정상태 Monitoring※ 오픈 소스 안내 정보본 제품에 탑재된 GPL, LGPL, MPL 및 그 외 오픈소스 라이센스 하에 개발된 소스 코드를 얻으려면,http://opensource.lge.com 를 방문하십시오. 소스 코드를 비롯하여 해당하는 모든 라이센스의내용 및 저작권 표시, 보증 책임이 없다는 표시를 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.본 제품을 구매하신 후 3년 내에 opensource@lge.com로 e-mail을 보내 본 제품에 탑재된소프트웨어의 오픈 소스 코드를 요청하실 경우, 매체 비용, 운반비 등 제공에 필요한 최소한의비용을 받고 CD-ROM에 담아 제공해 드립니다.The applications forcustomer to use: LG Smart Refrigerator is a smart DIOS refrigerator(R-T851TBHSL model).Smart Manager, Smart Access feature in conjunction with arefrigerator and wifi smartphone customers can more easily use.DIOS is a special free service only for Smart Refrigeratorusers.(Available after registration in the Register and producthttp://www.smartthinq.com)※ Note: This app is optimized for 1920x1080 (FHD), 2560x1440(QHD) resolution. Smart managers]- Food Management   Food storage and storage management list, theexpiration date set   Food remotely check list- Recommended Recipe   Cooking for information (general food lines 500,LG Lightwave oven cooking line 125)- Shopping List   Mart shopping list can be checked easily fromremoteSmart Access]   Remote Monitoring with refrigerator settings※ Open Source AdviceTo obtain the source code developed under the GPL, LGPL, MPL andother open source licenses, with this product, visit thehttp://opensource.lge.com. Of all of the license corresponding tothe source code, includingContent and Copyright Notice, you can download an indication thatthere is no warranty responsibility.After you have purchased the product is mounted on the unit to sendan e-mail within three years opensource@lge.comIf you are requesting the open source code of the software, theminimum needed to provide media costs, transportation costs,etc.Getting money offers put on the CD-ROM.
LG 스마트 광파오븐 4.7.6
v4.7.0 이전 버전 App. 공지--------------------------------------------------------------------------※ 고객님 먼저 이용에 불편을 드려 대단히 죄송합니다. 기존 앱에서 v4.7.0 버전으로 업데이트 후 사용시레시피 진입에 문제가 되는 현상이 확인되어 수정 중에 있습니다. 위 오류사항에 대해 최대한 빨리 수정될 수있도록노력하겠습니다.이미 해당 문제가 발생한 경우, 앱을 완전히 삭제후 재설치 후에 사용해주세요.--------------------------------------------------------------------------NFC와 Wi-Fi 연동 기능이 있는 LG DIOS 광파오븐을 사용하시면, 240여 가지의 요리 레시피를원터치로오븐에 설정 가능합니다.주요기능 :1. NFC와 Wi-Fi 기능을 이용하여 240여 가지의 요리 레시피를 원터치로 오븐에 설정 가능합니다. (분량선택가능)2. 내가 만든 레시피 기능을 통해 자주 사용하는 오븐 설정을 앱에 저장하여 원터치로 설정 가능 합니다.2. 열풍으로, 기름 없이도 튀김 요리가 가능한 건강 튀김을 비롯하여 스팀, 식품 건조 등 건강하고 맛있는 요리레시피를확인할 수 있습니다.3. 내 오븐 상태 확인 위젯을 통하여 스마트 폰으로 오븐의 동작 상태를 확인할 수 있습니다. (가능 모델:MA324PTW)4. NFC 와 Wi-Fi 를 이용하여 오븐에 탈취, 스팀청소 등 멀티클린 청소 코스를 원터치로설정가능합니다.5. NFC 와 Wi-Fi 를 이용하여 오븐의 상태를 진단하는 '스마트 진단' 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.6. 알림 설정을 켜두시면 오븐 상태 알림 푸시 메세지를 받아 볼 수 있습니다.7. 자주 사용하는 요리 레시피를 저장하여 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있습니다.유의사항 :1. 본 어플리케이션은 Android 4.0 아이스크림 샌드위치 이상 버전에서 정상적으로 동작합니다.2. NFC 기능을 사용하려면 Tag on 마크가 부착된 광파오븐과 NFC 기능이 탑재된 스마트 폰이있어야합니다.3. 본 어플리케이션에서 제공하는 NFC 기능을 정상적으로 사용하려면, 스마트폰의 NFC 기능을 활성화 시켜야합니다.(읽기쓰기 및 P2P 수신 : On)4. Wi-Fi 모델은, 제품등록 과정에 따라서 제품등록을 하셔야 모든 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.(로그인필요)5. Wi-Fi 모델은, 가정 내 Wi-Fi (AP) 공유기가 설치되어 있어야 사용이 가능합니다.previous versionv4.7.0App. Notice--------------------------------------------------------------------------※ customer first, very sorry for the inconvenience. Afterupdatingto v4.7.0 version from the app using existingThis phenomenon is confirmed to be a problem in the recipe entryarebeing modified. We hope to be corrected as soon as possibleaboutthese errors.If you are already experiencing the problem, remove andthenreinstall the app, please use after all.--------------------------------------------------------------------------The NFC and Wi-Fi interworking function you use the LGDIOS-waveoven that, the oven can be set to 240 kinds of recipeswith thetouch of a button.main function :1. It is possible to set the oven to cook different recipes formorethan 240 one-touch using NFC and Wi-Fi capabilities.(Available forselect amount)2. I have the ability to save recipes created through theovenfrequently used settings in the app can be set with the touchof abutton.2. You can check the steam and dry foods such as healthy andtastyrecipes with hot air, without oil, as well as the possiblehealthtempura fried dishes.3. You can check the operation status of the oven to ensure theovensmartphone through the state Widget. (Availablemodels:MA324PTW)4. You can set up a multi-course and deodorizing cleaning Cleantheoven, steam cleaning using a one-touch NFC and Wi-Fi.5. Use the NFC and Wi-Fi, you can use the Smart Diagnosis featuretodiagnose the state of the oven.6. kyeodu simyeon notification settings You can receivepushmessages alert status oven.7. You can easily find and store the recipes you usefrequently.Notice :1. This application will work properly on Android 4.0 IceCreamSandwich or later.2. Make sure to use this feature NFC Tag on a mark-wave oven andaNFC-equipped smartphone attached.3. To use the NFC functionality provided by thisapplicationproperly, you need to enable the NFC function of thesmartphone.(Literacy and P2P reception: On)4. Wi-Fi models, you can use all the functions required toregisterthe product, depending on the product registration process.(Loginrequired)5. Wi-Fi model and can be used in Wi-Fi (AP) must have arouterinstalled at home.
LG 모바일스토리 2.2.0
[LG MobileStory 앱이란?] LG 전자 모바일 제품 판매 매장을 위한 어플입니다. 언제 어디서나 LG전자 제품정보와 다양한 홍보물을 받아보세요. [사용안내] 지원 OS : 4.1 젤리빈 이상 3G/LTE로 접속 시, 데이터요금이부과될 수 있습니다. 회원가입은 PC홈페이지를 통해 가능합니다. 어플리케이션 이용 중 에러 발생 시, LGMobilestoryPC홈페이지(https://sales.lgmobile.co.kr)을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다. [제공서비스] ○ 제품정보 스마트폰, 웨어러블, 태블릿 제품 정보 조회 스마트폰 스펙 비교 ○ 세일즈아카데미 제품 별 동영상교육자료 시청 제품 별 기능 영상 시청 LG Mobile 전문 강사가 전해주는 판매 가이드 제품에 대한 지식 수준을체크할 수 있는 퀴즈 ○ 커뮤니티 LG Mobile의 주요 소식 검색 다양한 판매노하우 / DP노하우 검색 및 작성회원들의 다양한 에피소드 조회 및 작성 지역 별 커뮤니티 공간 ○ 이벤트 매월 다양한 이벤트를 통해 홍보물 제공 ○홍보물센터 쿠폰을 이용한 홍보물 교환 서비스 신규 매장 지원을 위한 특별한 서비스 ○ 출석부 출석 일수에 따른 다양한혜택 제공
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